Heating Myths: Fact or Fiction

March 4, 2021
SmartHouse Technician Installing Furnace

  1. Looking to save money on heating bills? Don’t fall for “DIY hacks” that don’t actually work.
  2. The whole home experts at SmartHouse hear heating myths all the time. Here are just a few we can definitively debunk.
  3. Myth: Ductless mini splits don’t work well in cold weather.
  4. The truth: Mitsubishi mini splits operate at 100% capacity in weather as cold as -5°F!
  5. Myth: The higher you turn up your thermostat, the faster your home will heat up.
  6. The truth: Your home heats up at the same pace, no matter what temp you set it to. Upgrade to a smart thermostat for real savings.
  7. Myth: Heating system tune-ups are a waste of money if your heating is working fine.
  8. The truth: Regular maintenance helps you catch small issues before they turn into costly and inconvenient heating emergencies.
  9. Trust your home with the St. Louis HVAC experts—one of our specialities is helping you save.